BRWD Style. A Club for borrowing clothing pieces from my closets.
Some people collect Yeezies. I ended up with a ton of athletic-wear.
I wanted to keep so many that fit, and even items that didn't fit.
And so, instead of selling everything, I thought renting might even better.
I get to keep all the shorts that fit me, while putting them to good use while I'm not wearing them, instead of letting them sit in a drawer 364 days out of the year.
Check out my collections and see what's available right now. Thank you for stopping by!
Get started right now by tapping one of the images above.
Choices: Girls' and Women's Athletic Shorts (Nike Dri-fit style) , Girls and Women's Leotards (both practice and competition), and Sports Bras.
Most sizes available for each category.
Instantly multiply the number of athletic-wear pieces you or your family can wear with the low monthly club membership fee!
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